variable(line, column)
For example you can define in command window a matrix which has 3x3 dimension:
>> a = [1 3 5; 5 6 7; 8 2 4]
a =
1 3 5
5 6 7
8 2 4
To access single element of matrix above as follow :
>> a(3,2)
ans =
It means that you are accessing matrix element of 'a' variable in third line and second column.
To access element in the certain line as follow:
>> a(3,:)
ans =
8 2 4
It means that you are accessing matrix elements of 'a' variable in third line. Sign double dot (:) at the matrix column means all column.To access element in the certain column as follow:
>> a(:,3)
ans =
It means that you are accessing matrix element of 'a' variable in the third column. Sign double dot (:) in the line means all line
To access some elements in certain line and column as follow:
>> a(1:2,2:3)
ans =
3 5
6 7
It means that you are accessing matrix element of 'a' variable in first to second line and in second to third column. Writing (1:2) at the line means first to second line. Writing (2:3) at the column means second to third column.
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